Imagine with us

The Urban Imaginaries Lab welcomes internship applications from curious, motivated, ambitious, and passionate students that want to better understand how research works and that want to engage with the research and design topics addressed by the Lab.

The Lab focuses on Design practice for socio-cultural innovation and on design approaches for transition towards a more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable society. Projects address how, through Design, we can prevent dynamics of discrimination, exclusion, and marginalization; and how and when design processes support normative and discriminatory dynamics.

Research in Design and design practice within the Lab takes place at the intersection between Participatory Design, Strategic Design, and Critical Design Studies.

Internship for Students

  • Graduate students interested in being supervised by Chiara Del Gaudio and integrating into the Lab, can have diverse backgrounds. Often, graduate students have an undergraduate degree in design, arts, and anthropology, or similar programs.

    To be graduate students, applicants need to meet the regular admission criteria and process for the MDes in Design at Carleton University.

    If you are applying to the Master, please put Chiara Del Gaudio as a potential supervisor and describe in your statement of interest why you are interested in working with me.

  • Undergraduate students, attending Carleton University, interested in joining the activities of the Lab can do it through a summer internship or a directed study.

If you are interested in being an intern, please send an email to the Lab (, including:

  • Curriculum Vitae

  • Motivation letter

  • Portfolio of projects (optional)

Partner with us

The Urban Imaginaries Lab welcomes new community partnerships to develop community-based projects that align with the mission and values of the Urban Imaginaries Lab.

If you are interested in collaborating on a project, please email the Lab ( with a brief description of the project.

Local organizations