

Second Edition of the Urban Imaginaries Festival

Details to be announced …

Past Events

December 09, 2022

Carleton University

Between Theory & Practice - 4th year seminar course

Yearly, the School of Industrial Design provides 4th-year design students with the opportunity of learning about and critically reflecting on key contemporary industrial design issues and topics. A final seminar event was held at the Korean Culture Centre Canada where students shared and presented their work publicly.

Section A, led by Chiara, explored the political role of design; that is, of design’s transformative potential for society and of the embedded values that it reproduces. The students presented part of their work with the Rideau Community Hub where they designed scenarios to envision possible futures of what the hub could be and become for the local community. see more

February 09, 2023

February 9, 2023

Politecnico di Milano

Tackling oppression by embracing transgression

A series of public lectures were presented in a Ph.D. course at Politecnico di Milano on the topic: Fighting Discriminations: Power, Unbalance, Intersectional Dominant-Logic in New Technologies Evolution. The lectures provided theoretical and conceptual tools (from law, design, and sociology) to prevent and challenge dysfunctional situations and stimulate the development of proposals aimed at not harming categories usually at risk of fragility because of age, disability, gender, religion, ethnicity in the development of new technologies. Chiara Del Gaudio presented research on how design can support processes of transgression of socially defined gender norms and, therefore, address gender oppression. see more on the topic

March 19, 2023

464 Metcalfe Street

Counter-maps: Showcase, Interaction and Discussion

The event, co-organized by Chiara Del Gaudio, and Dan Monafu, had students from Chiara’s Design Anthropology course showcasing their work on the topic ‘financialization of housing’. Thank you to all who participate in the event by engaging with the students and their work and taking part in collective discussions. see more

Carleton University

April 1, 2023

Design Fiction Workshop

Urban Imaginaries, in partnership with Project Project Collective, did a half-day design fiction workshop. By the end of our time together, we built together the foundations of an artifact on the topic of financialization of housing, using design fiction as a technique. see more

April 4, 2023

Rideau Community Hub

Designing for and at the Rideau Community Hub: Showcase and Exhibitions

The event is a result of a collaboration between prof. Chiara Del Gaudio (Urban Imaginaries Lab, School of Industrial Design, Carleton University), some of her 3rd and 4th year students and the Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource Centre.

It consisted of an exhibition plus a presentation of the studio works on the topic 'Designing for Food Security and Wellbeing at Rideau Community Hub' and of an exhibition of the seminar works on the topic 'Reimagining the Rideau Community Hub'.